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No matter how expensive your pole continuous shipping and unshipping will result in worn and split joints at some time. Do not throw your section away, we can repair all split & worn joints to a standard comparable and often better than new and at a fraction of the cost of new.

Also the major reason for joint strengthening is to allow poles to used on commercial waters were there are small and big carp. Pole manufacturers have started to produce "bagging" sections to allow the pole to stand up to this kind of fishing. We at CCR perfected this method (bagging sections) many years ago. The process adds very little weight to a section and generally costs a fraction of the price for a bagging sections. We normally recommend strengthening to only the vulnerable joints No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 sections.


As careful as we are with our fishing tackle accidents cannot be avoided and at some time we will break or crush a section of our pole (let this be the only break you experience you do not need to break the bank.) Very few breaks are so severe you need to replace the section with new. Our dedicated team of engineers will strive to repair your pole at a vastly reduced expense of a completely new section.

POLE Refurbishment         

Sooner or later most poles start to look and feel a little worse for wear, chipped joints or worse broken sections all lead to the pole function less effectively. CCR are able to fully refurbish the poorly areas of a pole and greatly extend its life. As pole joints wear they become loose and can have adverse affect on the poles rigidity. Refurbishment in most cases not only enhances the looks but also the performance of the pole. After repairs joints will no longer be sloppy this in return increases rigidity. A thorough clean repair of all damage, and a good tidy up will benefit most used poles. Refurbishment service is a very cost effective method of extending the life of any used pole. Here is a list of some of the breaks we have repaired Cow stood on it, Swan flew into, Car ran over it, Pig chewed it, Van ran over it, Bike ran over it, Golf ball landed on it, Boat sailed into it Duck hit it, Shut my car boot on it, Stood on it , Sat on it, Pole roller blew over.

The process.
We use a 6 ply (layers)  technique using prepeg made with mitsubishi pyrofil fibres & Torayca fibres and this gives us a 3rd thiner repair than any other repairer,and it makes our repair 5 times stronger also lighter. This process allows the pole to keep the oringnal flex. (thin is the new strong) and we dont have any steps in our repairs like some we have seen over the years. This technique also helped us convert thousands of pulla kits giving us a 100% record of no complaints. We are that confident in our process we offer a no quibble 5 year Gaurantee on all our work..
Do you know Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan invented a light bulb at the end of the 9th century using carbon fiber made from burning cotton and bamboo? This is the beginning of carbon fiber. 

With the development of tungsten filament, however, carbon fiber was soon forgotten.

It made a comeback in the 1950s as a material for jet orifices of rockets requiring heat resistance. This time, carbon fiber was made from cotton and viscose rayon textile.

1972 Carbon fiber was adopted for sweetfish fishing rods.